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Viburnum burkwoodii - Burkwoodii Viburnum

Viburnum x burkwoodii is a hybrid of Viburnum utile and Viburnum carlesii pollinated by Burkwood Nursery in Skipworth, England in 1924. The Viburnum x burkwoodii is a semi-evergreen shrub, with large dark glossy green ovate leaves on stiff stems.

The shrub is small in size, with an open spreading habit that will reach a maximum 3.0m in height. Making them a brilliant shrub for those smaller gardens looking for an evergreen specimen.

The Viburnum x burkwoodii offers domed clusters of intoxicatingly fragrant white flowers that bloom in April and May. Following the fragrant white blossom are the red berries, that create a lovely colour contrast with the dark glossy leaves.

FACT: The Viburnum family includes more than 150 species and cultivars.

FACT: FACT: The viburnum berries can be poisonous.

Plant Profile

Height: 1.5-3.5m

Width: 1.5-3.5m

Demands: Sheltered or exposed, all aspects, full to partial sun

Soil: Well drained soil and will tolerate most soil types

Foliage: Evergreen, Broad– ovate leaf

Flowers: Pinky White flowers followed by red, blue or black berries

Viburnum x burkwoodii info sheet

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